
Cocobolo Tree Farm                  

Central America's Premier Nursery

Acacia mangium Willd.

Magnum , Acacia mangle

Acacia mangium grows up to 30 metres (98 ft), often with a straight trunk. A. mangium has about 142,000 seeds/kg.[3] To break down dormancy mature seed requires pre-germination treatments such as mechanical scarification (scratching the surface) or boiling water. This treatment leads to a fast germination and typically exceeds 75%.[4] Like many other legumes, it is able to fix nitrogen in the soil.[5]A. mangium is a popular species for forest plantation and used more and more also for agroforestry projects. In mixed cultures, plants can profit of the shadow from A. mangium and the nitrogen fixation[6]A. mangium will tolerate low fertility soils with impeded drainage, but prefers fertile sites with good drainage. Soil depth and topographic position can influence yields. With respect to distance from the equator, there are significant differences in performance under cultivation. A mean annual height increase of about 3 to 4 m is usual near the equator. In areas further from the equator growth is lower.[4]

A. mangium trees produce sapwood and heartwood. The heartwood’s colour is brownish yellow shimmery and medium textured. Because the timber is extremely heavy, hard, very strong, tough, and liable to warp and crack badly it is used for furniture, doors and window frames. The glossy and smooth surface finish after polishing leads also to a potential for making export orientated parquet flooring tiles and artifacts.[7]


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